
May 1, 20213 min


We are so excited to announce RICK WAID as an official presenter at The 4th Annual 2021 Mid-Michigan Paranormal Convention in FLINT/GRAND BLANC, MI! 11/7/2021

Rick Waid is a seer, author, speaker, remote viewer and passed loved one reader.

Rick Waid is a seer, remote viewer and passed loved one reader. He was born with gifts that he did not realize he had until his late-30's. He began to connect with the other side through electronic voice phenomena, and started having visions and hearing his spirit guides. As his gift progressed, he was able to remote view and see places he had never been before.


Rick has written two books, both walk us through his personal journey with the paranormal and with his spiritual awakening as a Seer.

His first book "My Paranormal Journey: One Man's Obsession" explores his obsession into the paranormal, and the awakening of his gifts.

"My Paranormal Journey: One Man’s Obsession" follows paranormal investigator Rick Waid as he struggles with an obsession that consumes his every waking moment: an obsession with the paranormal. Rick was compelled to share with others his passion for paranormal investigation, which ultimately revealed to him evidence of the afterlife and exposed gifts he never knew he had. He also hoped to share lessons learned during his journey, lessons that almost destroyed his family, his job, and his life. “I hope this book will help others realize there are reasons for exploring into new territories and breaking through current boundaries,”

Rick's next book "Awakening of a Seer" expands on his journey through the paranormal and his gifts.

"I began seeing things I would encounter on my job site hours later. This led me to many paranormal and psychic forums. I started reading people from around the world with direct connect information about them or their passed loved one. My abilities grew to be able to connect with past lives and picture readings. I had many helpers along my path that showed me the direction I needed to take. I started helping on missing person cases and I joined a psychic network. I later joined Facebook where my gifts grew stronger. I started a radio show where I helped many with their life issues or passed loved one. Many started inviting me to their paranormal conferences. I found out by using my gifts I could give them insight about their haunted location.Reading people can be harmful to you if you do not know how to release the energy you are taking on. Use caution and join others that have been in your shoes. This is not meant to be a game where you just throw information out to people. We have to value what is being given to us from God. It took me years to understand the importance of the information that was being passed down to me. Through trial and error I learned to be confident with the information I am offering to people." Be sure to grab Ricks books on Amazon, request at your local book retailer, or a grab a copy at the Mid-Michigan Paranormal Convention in November!

Below is an episode of "Unexplained Caught on Camera" covering paranormal experiences cought on tape. In this episode we meet Rick and hear from his first-hand of just a few of his paranormal experiences.

We are so excited to have Rick Waid as a featured presenter at The 4th Annual Mid-Michigan Paranormal Convention November 7th, 2021 in Grand Blanc, Michigan! Grab your tickets TODAY @ MidMichiganParaCon.com

Learn More About Rick on his Website: https://www.rickwaid.com/

Stay tuned to our facebook page and be sure to join our email list for future updates, events, discounts, and more!

TICKETS & SWAG PACKAGES ARE ON $ALE NOW! Grab Yours before they disappear!
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